It was another race to the finishing line, as we prepared for San Diego Comic Con 2018. The book was almost ready, but it had to be proofed, lettered, and eventually sent to our printer in the USA.

Evolution is quite different from the other books, in that it is part fiction, part role-play. Much of the narrative was acted out at our immersive theatre events, and what you read is a graphicised account based on actor / performer feedback.

We’re glad to say that our plan to combine both worlds in a co-created story is coming together. It also marks the start of a working relationship with artist Megan Bradbury, who has partially agreed to work on Angel Corps by Haley Moore, which we hope is a new tentacle in this weird world of Clockwork Watch.

Megan had her first glimpse of the new book while at SDCC.

We always look forward to getting feedback from readers, and chatting with them about how the story is developing, especially as we initially intended on doing three books, and we’re now on book eight! But one thing we’ve noticed is that many are really excited about the co-created nature of this story, after all – they are creating part of the narrative.

But hold a minute, I hear you say… How about the newly published Evolution Omnibus – our third collected edition, with a stylishly designed cover by Fabio Duarte Martin? Yes, this is in fact our  11th book (we now have three omnibus editions), and guess what? There’s more to come.


The final two chapters of the main story – “Sins Of My Father” are currently being illustrated by Jennie Gyllblad, and will be published in 2019 and 2020 respectively, while Angel Corps is scheduled somewhere in between, and then we have a difficult decision of whether to adapt the film script or not.

SDCC also gave us a chance to re-cover the Tick Tock IPA Omnibus in shiny gold – another winning move by Fabio.


Back to Comic Con. It was great to see all our readers, connect with new supporters, and we had an amazing time at the Starburner Courier Service Steampunk Gathering. Check out the gallery below.

We hope to get reviews of Clockwork Watch: Evolution soon, which normally happens close to the launch at The Lakes Comic Art Festival (LICAF) in Kendal this October.

To the many friends that have asked when we’ll host one of our immersive live events outside London, we are proud to announce that the Clockwork Watch team are collaborating with students of Kendal College, and LICAF  to host “We Are Angels” our next live show, and yes… it will be based in Kendal, Lake District. Check out the LICAF event website for details.


Clockwork Watch Resumes…


It has been years since the onset of the Dark Winter, and Victorian society is finally getting to grips with living in smoke.

A lifetime of burning fuels to power the big mechanical machines, coupled with diverse weather conditions created a deadly pea-souper that plunged the world into darkness.

Time has moved on…

Steampunk Goes Transmedia With ‘Clockwork Watch’

Monsters and Critics catches up with Clockwork Watch Creator Yomi Ayeni att he Thought Bubble Comic-Con in Leeds… Thanks to Ian Cullen for taking the time and having the interest in our project.

Breakaway Preview – FREE DOWNLOAD!

We are eight months into a 5-year long story and Clockwork Watch is attracting a lot of interest from around the world. Thank you so much for helping to start the process, your support is the reason we’ve been able to carry on with the adventure.

We understand that Clockwork Watch is a content heavy experience, and with so many people contributing to the narrative, things can often be overlooked or overshadowed. With this in mind we have produced the Clockwork Watch: Breakaway Preview 2013, a limited edition review of the story so far, which includes photographs from the Tomorrow’s World… Today! event. The book also acts as a preview to our next graphic novel, Breakaway.

There are only 50 copies available, initially we are offering the actual books to people that came to the Tomorrow’s World… Today event, and are featured in the photographs within it; however, the remaining copies are up for grabs!

Download a digital version of the book for free.

Breakaway Preview


Part two of Clockwork Watch starts very soon, but in which country???

Thank you!!!!

Clockwork Watch Team

The Clockwork Watch Storyworld Co-Created By YOU!


Clockwork Watch Timeline

Part One

May 1899
Britain is in the grip of a recession, society has fallen on hard times, the gap between ‘haves and have nots’ grows wider by the day. A decline in trade, power shortages and the inability to manufacture energy-efficient products leaves British industry in the doldrums, but on a local level  the amateur maker and boffin ethos thrives. People begin to innovate and experiment at home, creating a thriving cottage industry of inventors and alchemists. They begin to adorn and augment everything they own with mechanical objects.

Queen Victoria looks to science for a miracle and the Department for the Advancement of Sciences takes up the challenge. While developing artificial limbs for veterans of the Saryn War, they hatch plans to create a mechanical device – a clockwork servant – but fail to find a sustainable power source.  Read More:

We would like You to tell a story… by Yomi Ayeni

Life is a story – one full of plots, sub-plots, twists and turns. It has many nuances, some lead the inquisitive minded on exciting adventures, others teach us not to be nosey, but you never know until you’ve taken that leap of faith whether you’re on course for a life changing experience.

Clockwork Watch is our most recent story  – although it’s been in script form for the past 3 years, the support of our patrons has given us the confidence to say this could be one of the most engaging stories ever told. Want to know why? First it’s a ‘Love Story’ – set in a mad retro-futurist world where anyone can re-invent themselves in  neo-Victorian chic. It’s a sandpit where you can experience a make believe universe, and interact with a story narrative.

Jay Bushman

Jay Bushman - Attendant at the London Zoological Gardens

This is why we have set Clockwork Watch at the very early stage of the ‘steampunk’ era, at a time when mechanical devices were the only source of power, and a ‘maker’ ethic led to some of the most amazing inventions of the industrial age. While we’re itching to see what contraptions and personas people conjure up for our live events, we’re also eager to ‘co-create’ what we’ll call ‘Clockwork World’.

Audiences involvement in Clockwork Watch was always destined to go beyond just receiving the perks listed on our IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign. People who’ve followed my work know participation is central to everything I create, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that  some of our funders have been sketched  into our first  graphic novel: “The Arrival”, and we’ve started inviting them to help  tell the story of their characters.

Hamish Jenkinson

Hamish Jenkinson having afternoon tea in the Horniman Museum Conservatory

We are not restricting storytelling to words alone,  contributions can be in the form of tweets, photographs, drawings or even video clips. So we’re throwing the door open for you to become a storyteller. Transmedia is all about participation, and we believe that through co-creation we can tell OUR story together.