The Steampocalypse Issue…


Clockwork Watch: Evolution Two has its first UK comic convention this weekend. We’ll be in the Leeds  Town Hall, at Thought Bubble. Come find us at table 22.

Evolution Two charts the  transformation of Saccadius Cartwright, a character that was first role-played by our dear friend Paul Giffney. Some of the scenes are based on live events that we have hosted over the past 8-years.

There are a few easter eggs hidden in the story. These will be explored as the story progresses, but keep an eye out for news of collaborations.

Evolution Two is written by Yomi Ayeni, Corey Brotherson is our editor, Fabio Duarte Martin designed the title, Mike Stock is our letterer, and we’re super delighted to have Megan Bradbury in charge of the illustration and art.