Clocking Off Late presents The Tinku Diaries

We are proud to announce that our next immersive event will be held on November 13th, as part “Clocking Off Late“, at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.

The Tinku Diaries is an interactive piece taken from Clockwork Watch.

This is a chance to get a firsthand account of the Clockwork Watch world from Tinku Ranbir, mother to the ever-questioning Janav, and wife to the stoic Chan.

Clocking Off Late – The Tinku Diaries will be staged in the Trade Gallery of the building, among the East India Company exhibit.

We are delighted to be, once again, working with Suna Dasi of Steampunk India, who will be playing the role of Tinku.

Behind The Scenes At The Summer Fete

Thanks to all who came to the Steampunk Summer Fete, on August 3rd. It was a great event, and we hope you enjoyed the immersive story and characters that you interacted with.

Here are some of photographs from behind the scenes. Mainly our actors, and director at the tech rehearsal.

Come To Our ‘FREE’ Steampunk Summer Fete

Calling all inventors, adventurers, time travellers, and everyone who loves SCIENCE!!!

Steampunk Summer Fete

The Queen’s House presents a Steampunk Summer Fete

 The Queen’s House presents a Steampunk Summer Fete

On 3 August, the promise of immense wealth, fame and success will bring the world’s finest minds together in a bid to solve the mystery of longitude.

To celebrate, the Queen has invited the most promising inventors to present their solutions at her summer residence in Greenwich. There, the many marvellous methodologies, devices, and contraptions competing to win the Longitude Prize will be showcased.

Guests are invited to this participatory and interactive experience, beginning with a celebratory waltz in the Great Hall, before guided tours and presentations commence. Live music will be played on the lawns, where refreshments will be available.

Tickets for the event are free, and available through the Royal Museums Greenwich website

Clockwork Watch Creator at Longitude Punk’d

Yomi at Longitude

Yomi at Longitude


Clockwork Watch creator, Yomi Ayeni, was part of a team of Steampunk artists who created the Globe Of Dislocation (G.O.D) – an large scale installation placed outside the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.

The piece was created to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Longitude, and it will be on display for a whole year.

Clockwork Punk’d at the Royal Observatory

Clockwork Watch creator, Yomi Ayeni, is part of the team bringing Steampunk to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. It’s part of the bicentenary of Longitude, and there MAY be an element of the Clockwork Watch story embedded in the year long celebrations.

Longitude Punk'd

Longitude Punk’d

Tick Tock IPA #1: Best of 2013

In a recent article by Saranga Comics, our third graphic novel Tick Tock IPA, was selected as one of the best self published graphic novels in 2013.

It’s a joy to have some recognition, especially as we’re all striving to keep the project alive, with almost no funding. The story continues, and we’re so grateful for the nod. Thank you!!!!

Read about it here


Tic Tock IPA

Tic Tock IPA


Up Up and Away

That was the year that was… 2013 turned out to be an epic adventure. We hosted Clockwork Underworld, attended several conventions, and introduced our story to many more people. Overall, we would call it a success, and would like to thank you for supporting us.

2014 is a different beast all together. We have an event planned for summer, Tick Tock IPA #2 is already with Jennie, and we have been invited back to San Diego Comic Con!!!!!

We are also working on a large installation for the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London.