For the past four years, Corey and I have braved the Wild Wild West to exhibit / launch our new titles at the phenomenon called San Diego Comic Con, probably the world’s biggest comic art convention, which is rumoured to have 180 thousand attendees every day. The experience is daunting, as we are probably the only black British independent creators in the Small Press section of the event.
Preparing for the adventure usually starts around November, when we realise it’s almost too late to get the next book ready for the Con which takes place in July. Corey (editor/adapting writer) – a very busy man, with several other writing projects on-the-go, has consistently nursed every book through to publication. Not much would happen without his support, and ingenuity, he is the backbone of Clockwork Watch.
Part of the process involves making sure our artists (Jennie Gyllblad and most recently Ed Jiménez) has the time to finish the pages, checking-in with our letterer, Mike Stock, to see if he can fit us in, (he usually has a holiday scheduled around Comic Con time), and not forgetting our esteemed Fabio – Creative Director of FEST in Portugal, who works tirelessly to design a new title for every book.

So, here we are again – flight and accommodation booked (at great expense), bags packed, and we’re almost ready for the ‘big off’,
Ahhh, and the new book “Evolution” is currently being printed in Memphis. It is way cheaper than shipping the books from the UK. Can you imagine the disaster IF they were seized, delayed, or returned to the UK by US customs? Perish the thought…
You can find us at P-09 in the Small Press section,where we will have the new book, the Clockwork Watch: Omnibus, Tick Tock IPA: Omnibus, posters, and warm smiles.
Yomi Ayeni
Creator of Clockwork Watch
#SDCC #BlackWriters #Steampunk #SDCC2017 #SDCC17